Guest Column
for Ron Desantis
Governor of Florida
& Candidate for President of the
United States
Submitted by
State Representative
Susan Humphries
Proven Leadership
Tested and Successful Policy
America First
“Why I’m supporting Ron DeSantis for President”
by Susan Humphries
Kansas State Representative
District 63
This is a critical time for our great republic to select a Republican candidate and Ron DeSantis is the right leader for this national moment. I don’t need to tell any of our Republican brothers and sisters that our current President is dangerous and a disaster. In so many ways Joe Biden represents the worst of America – big expansive government, picking winners and losers, constraining freedoms, promoting a culture of death and confusion.
In 2024 we can choose courageous and bold leadership, a leader who will defend liberty and expand freedoms and a leader who can build consensus – we have all that in Ron DeSantis. That’s why I, and other Kansas Legislators and state officials, have chosen to get behind Ron DeSantis for President with our time, our reputations, and our cherished resources. He is worth our support.
America needs a thoughtful Republican who is willing to be tough, thoroughly conservative, and bring new voters to the polls on election day. No one else standing for the nomination in our great party has done what Ron DeSantis did in Florida. Through conviction and a convincing argument about education freedom DeSantis moved the vote in ethnic minorities back where it belongs. To the party of liberty.
DeSantis took on the lockdowns in bold and thoughtful fashion. No state in America better preserved freedoms than Florida. What do we need in our national leader? DeSantis has shown us. No other candidate for our party’s nomination has led with boldness while expanding our base. His 20% victory in the governor’s race stood as a bright light in an otherwise disappointing mid-term. It isn’t being mentioned by the media because it is terrifying to the Left. We don’t need what Ron DeSantis is promising to do. We need what he HAS done and WILL do if nominated.
DeSantis went into the first debate with the strongest favorable opinion rating of any of the candidates and following the debate 67% of voters said they were considering DeSantis for President, 6% points more than Donald Trump and more than 20% points better than any other candidate (Washington Post, FiveThirtyEight, and Ipsos Poll). DeSantis is on the rise and is the viable competitive candidate to take on the left. According to the same poll, DeSantis’ favorability rating is the highest among all the announced republican candidates at 72%.
No one else is campaigning in every one of Iowa’s 99 counties. No one else has won a popular election in the state #1 in net-migration, #1 in new business formation, #1 in education while expanding the education freedom our nation so desperately needs. No one else is a veteran.
Now is the time for us to leverage our influence to support Ron DeSantis. The Great American Comeback is possible if we pull together. That is why I am supporting Ron DeSantis for President of the United States.
~ State Representative Susan Humphries
Guest Column
Amber Waves of Grain
Thoughts From the Tractor Cab
by Tim Franklin
Goodland, KS Farmer
Kansas farmers aren’t unlike other business owners. We work hard to preserve the ability to keep working in a profession we love. Our minds are preoccupied by daily tasks, goals, concerns, but always, hope. Hope for rain, for yields, for being able to plant next year’s crop, for favorable prices, so that one day we are in a position to pass along the family business to the next generation. We farm, knowing we are not fully in control. In fact, so much about farming seems out of our control.
Most days, my office looks a lot like a tractor cab; and as I drive back and forth across my field, my corner office view is one of cars speeding along I-70. And my mind wonders. Do passerby’s look back at the tractor wondering how fun or (not) easy that big machine would be to drive? I wonder if all my irrigation sprinklers are running? As I watch the storm clouds to the west roll in, I wonder if I need to purchase hail insurance this time- which way will that storm move? Will my daughter’s softball game still be played tonight? If it rains will I shut the irrigation off? I pick up my phone and look at the moisture probes to see if we have room to hold an inch of rain, should that storm develop. Beep beep beep, I’m once again at the other end of the field and it’s time to turn around.
Senator Bob Dole once said “Things are going to get better. Be optimistic.” And I believe farmers live by this. Every morning we get up full of optimism for the day ahead. Even when checking a field after a hail storm, we are thankful for the rain and hoping next year will be better. The future for agriculture is bright. It will certainly look different than it does right now, but food will always be needed to feed our family, neighbors, country and world.
Website Launched
Please check out our new and super-snazzy KSGOP website that just launched!
Thanks to Dakotah Parshall, KSGOP Executive Director, for his efforts and talents to pull this together. It is remarkable and I'm delighted to have been the catalyst to bring this modern and easy-to-use website forward.
Updating and changing our KSGOP website is now easy and quick, so let us know if you have a suggestion or catch an error!
We hope you love the new site like we do!
And now, please take a tour of the new KSGOP website: CLICK HERE
Patricia Stoneking
Ardent and Faithfilled
2nd Amendment warrior
passes away
With sadness for us left behind, we report Patricia Stoneking went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at her home while surrounded by her loving family.
Patricia will be remembered as a champion of our 2nd Amendment rights, a woman of integrity, and a faithful Christian. Patricia was President of the Kansas State Rifle Association and helped carry numerous pro-freedom bills through the Kansas legislature.
We all owe Patricia a debt of gratitude because with her passion and fierce determination, Kansas became one of the very best Second Amendment states in the nation.
Please keep her friends and family in your prayers.
1776 Club
Join Now and Become a Card-Carrying Kansas Patriot!
Join the “1776 Club” and Stand for Liberty and Patriotism!
Are you ready to take a stand for liberty, patriotism, and the future of our great nation? Join your fellow Kansas Republican Party (KSGOP) members and become a proud member of the prestigious "1776 Club."
By joining the "1776 Club," you'll become a card-carrying member of the KSGOP and join a passionate community of like-minded individuals committed to upholding conservative principles and ensuring a prosperous future for Kansas and the United States. Together, we can make a difference and save America from the threats that loom over our values and freedoms.
As a member of the "1776 Club," you'll actively participate in shaping policies that align with our core beliefs, and you'll have the chance to be eligible for exciting "pop-up perks" as fabulous opportunities become available. The perks program offers random winners the chance to attend unique and exclusive events, giving you the opportunity to be part of the "cool kids club"!
The "1776 Club" represents the embodiment and foundation of our nation's founding principles and the spirit of independence. By joining this exclusive club, you'll gain access to a network of influential leaders and dedicated activists who are working tirelessly to protect our constitutional rights and preserve the American dream.
Joining the KSGOP and the "1776 Club" is not just about being a member; it's about being part of a movement that stands firm against the forces that threaten our American values. Together, we will promote limited government, individual liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a real impact. Join the Kansas Republican Party and the "1776 Club" today, and be part of the solution. Together, we will build a stronger, more united America and Kansas for generations to come.
Signup now to become a "1776'er" and get yourself in the hunt for amazing perks. The opportunities are out of sight, so you don't want to miss out!
Thank you for your support and commitment to our shared values.
The Parallel Universe
News & Opinion Stories You May Have Missed This Week
Source: The Hill
Source: The Hill
Source: New York Post
Source: The Hill
Source: USA Today
Source: The Hill
Source: Fox News
Source: Washington Examiner
Source: Wall Street Journal
Source: Daily Mail
Source: Wall Street Journal
Source: AP News
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See you at the Kansas State Fair!