Guest Column
Cheryl Reynolds
KSGOP Vice Chair
After the Storm
Hey, fellow Kansans, have you ever been to a pony pull? I used to go to the ones at the annual county fair near my grandparents’ house. Forget tractor pulls, pony pulls are where it’s at. It was a misnomer – because it was actually at a draft horse pull. And, it was fun, but at that point in my childhood, I didn’t realize it was also a life lesson.
One of the things that sticks in my mind from the many management books I’ve read over the years is the concept of synergy. The best illustration of the concept came from a fabulous book called EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey. If you haven’t read it and you are interested in business or well-performing teams in any arena of life, I highly recommend it.
The concept that really hit home is that you can have teams… and then you can have TEAMS! I know many of us that work with teams are probably familiar with the concept of Form, Storm, Norm, and Perform. Teams are formed – and the next step is the storm. Team members have to figure out their place and their role, so there is some storming. Once that settles, the team can norm – normalize – and begin taking care of business. If they work hard and work together, they will eventually reach the performing stage where the team is functioning as a super team.
Part of that is learning not just to coordinate with one another, but to be synergistic. To illustrate synergy, Ramsey used the example of the Belgian Draft Horse, a superman of strength among horses. Belgian horses are so strong that a single horse can pull 8,000 pounds. Yep, four tons.
Amazingly, if you put two Belgians together, they don’t just pull 16,000 pounds – they can pull 24,000 pounds. The team is stronger than the sum of its parts. And, even more amazingly, if you put together a team that has been raised and trained together from an early age, horses who think alike, they will be able to pull 32,000 pounds – 16,000 pounds each. That is the power of synergy.
We need synergy to save our country, to keep our state red, to protect liberty, and to be the America our forefathers imagined and created. The Kansas GOP is a team. We have formed through the election process in February, but we are struggling to get past the storm to the form. If we allow ourselves to do that, synergy will allow us to accomplish tremendous things. If we don’t, none of us are living up to our potential or our duty to serve the members of the Kansas GOP.
We need to focus on what we agree on. What we can do together. As Ronald Reagan reminded us, our 80% friend is not our 20% enemy.
Can we do that and allow our team to norm? Can we reach a portion of the potential of synergy? We might not be the team that can pull 32,000 pounds, but we can do better. Let’s find that common ground and plant some seeds for the future.
From time to time, the Friday File Guest Column has been and will be made available to all Republican candidates for President of the United States.
Candidates are offered this space as a service to Kansas Republicans to hear from those who desire to be our Republican nominee and to lead the free world.
The KSGOP does not endorse or support any candidate for any office over another in a contested Republican primary election.
1776 Club
Join Now and Become a Card-Carrying Kansas Patriot!
Join the “1776 Club” and Stand for Liberty and Patriotism!
Are you ready to take a stand for liberty, patriotism, and the future of our great nation?
By joining the "1776 Club," you'll become a card-carrying member of the KSGOP and join a passionate community of like-minded individuals committed to upholding conservative principles and ensuring a prosperous future for Kansas and the United States. Together, we can make a difference and save America from the threats that loom over our values and freedoms.
As a member of the "1776 Club," you'll actively participate in shaping policies that align with our core beliefs, and you'll have the chance to be eligible for exciting "pop-up perks" as fabulous opportunities become available. The perks program offers random winners the chance to attend unique and exclusive events, giving you the opportunity to be part of the "cool kids club"!
The "1776 Club" represents the embodiment and foundation of our nation's founding principles and the spirit of independence. By joining this exclusive club, you'll gain access to a network of influential leaders and dedicated activists who are working tirelessly to protect our constitutional rights and preserve the American dream.
Joining the KSGOP and the "1776 Club" is not just about being a member; it's about being part of a movement that stands firm against the forces that threaten our American values. Together, we will promote limited government, individual liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a real impact. Join the Kansas Republican Party and the "1776 Club" today, and be part of the solution. Together, we will build a stronger, more united America and Kansas for generations to come.
Thank you for your support and commitment to our shared values.
Conservatively Speaking
KSGOP Chairman
Mike Brown
Chairman Brown Appointed to
RNC Election Integrity Committee
Voting Systems and Technology Subcommittee
KSGOP Chairman Mike Brown, who also
serves as a member of the Republican National Committee (RNC), recently accepted an appointment to serve on the RNC Election Integrity Committee.
Additionally, Brown accepted an appointment to the RNC Subcommittee on Voting Systems and Technology. The Subcommittee aims to research and evaluate voting systems and technology used in the United States to identify potential vulnerabilities, make recommendations to improve election administration and bolster Americans’ confidence in our elections.
“I look forward to serving on the Committee and Subcommittee. Safe and secure election processes and machinery rebuild confidence in our elections. This is an area of serious concern and I’m ready to begin reviewing the election methods and tools available to determine what provides the highest confidence and most accurate outcomes in our precious elections, said Brown. “Everything must be on the table. Nothing in American government and society is more critical than our elections. Fast returns may be preferred, but accuracy is paramount.”
Brown will update on the progress of these committees on a regular basis.
Southern Border Must Be Closed or Biden Jailed
The humanitarian disaster at the Southern Border is profoundly concerning and calls for immediate and decisive action. The call for permanent and complete border closure is an obvious national security, rule of law, and American citizen's safety concern.
Concerns about President Joe Biden's handling of border security are not limited to one political perspective. Some Republicans believe that he has failed in his constitutional duty to protect the country from all threats, foreign and domestic. Accusations of treason and corruption are serious and merit careful investigation and scrutiny.
We have people walking into America who are unknown, undetected, and bringing illness and disease to states across the USA. Some diseases outbreaks have occurred in Kansas and are connected to illegal immigrants being injected by Joe Biden into our communities and schools.
Ten thousand encounters according the CBP, occurred in one day this week. We are under assault and invasion yet our President simply doesn't care. Tragically, multiple incidents involving three children drowning while attempting to cross the border illegally against the background of others coming into America legally by safely walking across the river bridge above them. This is a stark reminder of the human cost and completely avoidable suffering of a wide open border. These deaths are a tragedy that never should have occurred. Their blood is on the hands of our failed POTUS and his derelict Administration.
The composition of illegal immigrants crossing into America from Mexico, including individuals from countries like Venezuela, China, Haiti, and others (and to be precise, they didn’t walk from China), highlights the dangerous international nature of this challenge. While it is vital to maintain a compassionate approach to legalimmigration, it is equally essential to ensure that immigration laws are enforced consistently and fairly and that our borders are genuinely closed to all illegal immigration.
The estimated 230,000 illegal border crossings last month, as reported by CBP, is a staggering number that poses significant security and logistical challenges. A nation's ability to control its borders is fundamental to its sovereignty and security. Strong border security is essential to a strong America. Rebuilding and maintaining the integrity of the US immigration system is paramount.
In conclusion, the call for a permanent and complete closure of the Southern Border is driven by a commitment to national security and the rule of law. The tragic loss of life, the diverse composition of illegal immigrants, and the overwhelming number of illegal border crossings demands a comprehensive and effective response. The growing number of accusations and pointed fingers is coming from Democrats and Republicans. The charges against President Biden are serious and legitimate. The president must be held accountable to his Oath of Office. This is especially critical as relates to border security.
Joe Biden has failed by every measure. His failure has compromised American Citizens, cities, counties, and states. His intentional negligence has compromised the country he swore to defend.
And that alone should have Joe Biden behind bars.
The Parallel Universe
News & Opinion Stories You May Have Missed This Week
Source: The Voter Network - History and Financials
Source: New York Times
Source: Fox News
Source: NBC/WCBD News
Source: Fox News
Source: Fox Business
Source: Axios
Source: Fox News
Source: The Hill
Source: New York Post
Source: Fox News
Source: New York Post
Source: Axios
Source: Washington Examiner
Source: Reuters
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Texas AG Paxton Acquitted, Talk of Retribution Comes Swiftly
Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial escalates Texas Republican civil war
~ The Texas Tribune
Hours after his acquittal in the Texas Senate, Attorney General Ken Paxton’s far-right supporters doubled down on their promises for swift retribution against fellow Republicans who supported his removal from office.
In particular, they vowed a scorched-earth campaign against House Speaker Dade Phelan, casting him as the ringleader responsible for the impeachment process and calling for him to resign immediately.
Meanwhile, prominent conservatives — including Trump — excoriated “RINOs” in the House and called for Phelan’s resignation. Paxton’s acquittal, some argued, was proof that the far right was the Texas GOP’s true standard bearer. And they promised that dramatic changes would consequently follow.
“Speaker Dade Phelan and his leadership team should be embarrassed for putting Texas through the time and expense of this political sham of an impeachment,” Matt Rinaldi, the chair of the Republican Party of Texas, said in a statement. “We invite the House Republican Caucus to choose leadership moving forward who will unify a Republican coalition behind our common goals, instead of sharing power with Democrats.”
Standing outside the Senate chamber on Saturday, Steve Toth, R- Spring, TX said he expects there to be "retribution" by voters for his fellow Republicans who supported Paxton's impeachment. And he agreed that the party's internecine conflict has no end in sight.
"It's a mess," he said.
Read the entire article CLICK HERE.